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Find right health insurance

Health insurance or medical insurance is an insurance product that provides coverage for expenses in the event of an illness or injury.

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Health insurance plans to safeguard your hard-earned funds from being spent on expenses related to hospitalization, medicines, consultation, and more.

A health insurance policy can also be viewed as an agreement between you and your insurer that binds them to cover you financially in case of any medical emergency.

There are several types of health insurance policies in India. Choosing a suitable policy for yourself and your family is necessary so that you can relax when it comes to paying hefty medical bills.

Health Insurance
Health Insurance
Health Insurance


Health Insurance

Very helpful fully explaining the different plans. Cash value is accessed via policy loans, which accrue interest and reduce cash value our valuable items.

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Secure insurance was really aa place where we get best service I was glad that I work in this company to provide best service to my clients

    Your health insurance will either pay your hospital bills directly if opted for the cashless facility or it will reimburse any payment made by you towards medical expenses incurred due to an illness or injury.

    While the eligibility age for health policies differs, the general eligibility age for adults ranges between 18 years up to 65 years. The eligibility age for children lies between 90 days up to 18 years.

    In general, the insurance premium is paid on a yearly basis. But, you can pay your premium in installments (monthly, quarterly or half-yearly basis) as well.

    It benefits differ from policy to policy. However, basic benefits include cover for an inpatient hospitalization, pre & post hospitalization, daycare procedures, emergency ambulance expenses, organ donor expenses, domiciliary hospitalization, OPD expenses, and more.

    Need any help!

    Since 2017, the Secure Insurance Company has been serving policyholders – protecting businesses, mitigating losses, defending claims. Renters .

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